Below Are Some Great Orgs You can Donate to Directly by Visiting Their sites
Anastasia is an enormous pet lover & would like you to know that BLACK cats & dogs are often mistreated and left behind. They are sweet souls that happen to have black fur. Please adopt & consider a black cat or dog...or both. See her fave shelter below.
The David Suzuki Foundation is one of the most respected foundations world wide in the area environmental and nature preservation.
Takis Shelter is an animal shelter located on the island of Crete in Greece. This shelter is a favorite of Anastasia's for the tremendous lengths they go to save, care for & adopt animals.
OSGATA (Organic Seed Growers Association) does a lot to preserve the rights to organic growing, preservation of organic seeds and to bring awareness to the real problems organic farmers and seed growers face with GMO and the companies that grow GMO.
Help care for and feed the homeless with this great organization. You can even help make meals for those who are displaced.